SEMPAVALAM | HOE HWANG SURIRATNA HOW MANY OF YOU ALL THE KOREAN QUEEN WAS ACTUALLY A TAMIL ORIGINATED PRINCESS? Samguk Yusa, a chronicle written by a 13th century by the Buddhist monk in Mandarin, in which he mentioned a 16 years old Princess Sempavalam (Hoe Hwang-Ok - Korean name ) who married in 48 century with the first King Suro Geumgwan Gaya and became the first queen of Korean government Geumgwan Gaya, after his dream of finding a partner who encouraged him to travel from the kingdom of Ayuta now as the formal name of the city of Kanyakumari (Tamilnadu) to Korea. The kingdom of Ayuta here refers to the kingdom of Ayi which is a subordinate to the Kingdom of Pandya from ancient Tamil, this can be proved by the fact that Princess Sempavalam brought with her the symbol of Pandyas which is a twin fish and Thirisoolam. All these factors proved that she is related to the Pandya Dynasty. source :https://www.yo...